LOST: Canon (SLR) PowerShot Camera “SX30 IS,” strap, lens cap, and five (5) memory cards. (Color: Black camera with black strap that says Canon and it has a small pouch of memory disks on the left side. This camera is from 6 September 2011, so it is a few years old.
DATE: 21 December 2014, after 12:35 p.m.
LOCATION: Camera had been on top of the SUV and the driver unknowingly drove west onto New LaGrange Road and then onto the Watterson Expressway (heading east). then out to I-71 North, then onto Gene Snyder Freeway, turned left onto KY Highway 22-(left) to the Olive Garden. Somewhere on those roads is where the camera must have fallen off of the SUV.
CONTACT INFORMATION: 502-762-2093, menogo04@yahoo.com
CONTACT INFORMATION: menogo04@yahoo.com
St. Matthew’s Police Report # 0314003086