I found several bills on 8-18 near eastern parkway. I would like to get it back to owner
It appears to be an oriental shorthair. Friendly. Gender unclear. Please email me ASAP if you know anything about this cat or if you are interested in adopting it. It really needs a home fast.
Found dog, small older female beagle mix, white and tan spots. Camp Taylor neighborhood. Please e-mail Hairdo502@gmail.com or call 502-528-2925
found around indian trail preston hwy area on June 28th. Very sweet dog wont let me see if its a boy or girl. has pink and gray collar on. looks to be a mixed breed.
followed my dog and I home on Tuesday June 28. Found around Preston Hwy and Indian Trail. Very sweet but it wont let me see if its a boy or girl. I’m sure someone is missing it. Wearing pink and gray collar
I found a blond male cocker spaniel wandering around North Barbee Way and Shelby St. in Louisville. He knows several commands and is very sweet. He is chipped but the phone numbers are not current. Please email me at bookreader0802@yahoo. com if he might be your dog. I will need proof of ownership.
Fund tabby cat, camp Taylor area, cheak ct& cheak st. Very affectionate. Nutered male?
Found Australian Shepherd off of Hunsinger Lane. He wandered into our yard during the thunderstorm this afternoon. Call 403-9585.
Very sweet, obeys commands, gentle male dog found on Old Henry Rd at Factory Ln
Found small tan older chihuahua off of Durrett Lane by the horse training track on 5-10/16
Please email me at ericaossi@yahoo.com and put lost chihuahua in subject