7yr old, 30lb, female brindle pit mix went missing on 6/24/2022. $350 REWARD for her immediate and safe return.
Found on Woodfern Way, we’re keeping him in our fenced in yard. he has a flea collar and a black regular collar but no tags. He is very sweet, quiet but very excitable, we think he’s still a puppy or at least relatively young. His paws and mouth were dirty but he seems perfectly healthy and he looks like he’s been recently groomed.
Text/Call : (502) 797-6123 if email doesnt respond immediately
Found on Brownsboro Road, Louisville KY in the Clifton neighborhood. Found on December 27, 2016. Sweet boy, medium size, short legs, about 30lbs. Fur coat is a little wavy in places. Doesn’t like playing with toys but likes to look out the window.