Found male Shih Tzu in St Matthews area. Not chipped about three very sweet. Contact sharon at

Found male Shih Tzu in St Matthews area. Not chipped about three very sweet. Contact sharon at

Found male Shih Tzu in St Matthews area. Not chipped about three very sweet. Contact sharon at

Lost a black wallet that has a picture of me and my wife on our wedding day when you open it and has different foreign currency in the wallet

Lady’s ring. Email me with description and picture and where you think you lost it.

I lost my wedding band the night of Sept 9th in the Fern Creek area of Louisville. I’m thinking the Feeders parking lot, but not 100% sure. Praying someone found it.

It’s the one with the diamonds in the picture below.

I lost my wedding band the night of Sept 9th in the Fern Creek area of Louisville. I’m thinking the Feeders parking lot, but not 100% sure. Praying someone found it.

It’s the one with the diamonds in the picture below.

Georgie has been missing since 8/15/2023, he ran out the door after making his way into the house from a potty break. He’s usually not a runner. We are scared someone might have him or something got to him. He’s shy but will warm up. He gets startled by loud noises.

Our friend had to leave the country suddenly and we are looking for a home for his two male farm dogs. They are huge and super friendly. They are trained to ride in the bed of a truck and he loved taking them to the lake. They were not raised directly with other animals (the chickens had a separate run), so they would need some training for that, but they WILL keep away coyotes. Their mother was a great pyrenees.

Katie 502-742-2697

Found this puppy while hiking at Waverly park! 7 months old, neutered. He is microchipped but his owners number is no longer in service. Help him get back to his family!

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