We are missing our sweet babygirl Swin. She’s a young black pyredoodle with a white chest. Last seen 7/24 on Thierman Lane. She has a small scab on her head right now. She is microchipped.
Found on Woodfern Way, we’re keeping him in our fenced in yard. he has a flea collar and a black regular collar but no tags. He is very sweet, quiet but very excitable, we think he’s still a puppy or at least relatively young. His paws and mouth were dirty but he seems perfectly healthy and he looks like he’s been recently groomed.
Text/Call : (502) 797-6123 if email doesnt respond immediately
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His name is slick. He is 13 years old that has seizures and takes trachea medication. He is hard of hearing. He got out on 7/16/2021 early morning. He was picked up by someone. Please if you see or have him bring him back home.
Contact me at 502-432-9495
Marley is a 4 year old lab/pit mix. She is Black with white on her chest & a few White spots on her paws. She has a faded flowery collar. She did not have her tags on her collar but she is chipped. She’s missing from the Hillview area since July 10. Please contact Shane @ 502-418-4879 or Tonja @ 502 471-1548
Bane is a American Bully his color is a tri red with white on his chest and toes and brindle on his legs and some on his chest and he loves all children and likes some adults please help find him there is a nice reward out for him please contact me at 502-291-5714
Bane is a American Bully his color is a tri red with white on his chest and toes and brindle on his legs and some on his chest and he loves all children and likes some adults please help find him there is a nice reward out for him please contact me at 502-291-5714
Bane is a American Bully his color is a tri red with white on his chest and toes and brindle on his legs and some on his chest and he loves all children and likes some adults please help find him there is a nice reward out for him please contact me at 502-291-5714
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